Fitting Adventure In: Slide/Video show & Conversation
Tuesday, Dec 5 at 7:00pm
Hard-working family man also makes time for speed climbing Yosemite’s big walls and other amazing athletic feats. How does he FIT ADVENTURE IN? Come join us for an evening of slide shows, climbing videos, and story telling in Hans’ own humble and inspirational way.
Open to the community for FREE!
Snacks & Drinks Provided
At Onsight Chiropractic: 1530A 5th St., Berkeley
RSVP on our FB Event Page
We’ve had a wonderful year full of Free Healthy Classes, and they come to a conclusion THIS TUESDAY with an evening with award-winning author and professional rock climber, Hans Florine. Beyond rock climbing pursuits, he manages a Touchstone climbing gym, cheers his kids on at track meets, and competes in Masters pole vaulting. Always candid, always motivational. You don’t want to miss this presentation!