Stress and Digestion
How you eat matters.Stella Park, naturopathic doctor of Center for Mindful Medicine, presents this month’s Free Healthy Class on Tuesday night at Onsight Chiropractic in Berkeley. Learn strategies for a more optimal absorption of nutrients from the foods you eat. Did you know that your body has an ancient wisdom that works constantly to keep you in optimal health? This ancient wisdom works 24/7 to ensure your survival. Unfortunately, that organic and deeply ingrained survival mechanism can work against you in today’s modern world. We call it stress, chronic and acute–your body calls it fighting or running for survival. The human body is finely tuned to respond to stressors because that has allowed for the survival of our species. Dr. Park will be sharing her expertise on the stress response as it relates to digestion. You will learn ways to minimize digestive stress so that you can thrive in our modern world.
Tuesday, October 3 Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome. We hope to see you there! |