Happy New Year from the Entire Onsight Staff!
We wish you an abundance of peace, health, and success in 2018. To help you unwind from the holiday hustle and bustle, we extend to each of you a $20 coupon off any single massage therapy service for the month of January! Please take us up on our offer. We have 4 skilled massage therapists on staff, our newest addition is Amy Hale who will begin on January 17. At that point, we will have 7-day/week massage availability!
Massage Therapists’ Hours
Amy Hale: M/W/Th 3-8p
Sonja Gubalke: Tu 3-6:30p & 2nd Saturday 2-6p
As always, schedule online by clicking here. Remember, your coupon will reduce the listed fee by $20 when you present and pay for your massage before Jan 31, 2018.*
*Not to be combined with any other offer. No cash value. Limit one per client.